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  • FMT 2 die 4 blow screw bolt maker manufacturing making machine
    FMT 2 die 4 blow screw bolt maker manufacturing making machine
    FMT 2 die 4 blow screw bolt maker manufacturing making machine
    FMT 2 die 4 blow screw bolt maker manufacturing making machine
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  • FMT 2 die 4 blow screw bolt maker manufacturing making machine

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2 DIE 4 BLOW (2D4B) BOLT maker, two die four blow screw manufacturing machine, 2 die 4 blow screw making machine,2 die 4 blow nut making machine

FMT high speed 2 die 4 blow screw making machine to produce the part with big head, screw, bolt with shoulder, and rivet which are being a problem to transfer on progressive screw making machine.

2 die 4 blow forming machine

  • This 2 die 4 blow screw making machine designed for bolt screw nut and rivet.

  • Heading / Forming station: 2 die 4 blow

  • less transfer for the big head and short part;

  • Wire diameter from Φ5-Φ15mm;

  • Steppless variable speed;

  • Independent PKO on each punch;

  • Options: inverter, load monitor, sound enclosure.

data sheet of 2 die 4 blow forming machine

Top 4 advantages of 2 die 4 blow screw making machine

FMT high speed two die four blow screw making machineare commonly used in screw and bolt production, especially for parts with large heads and short shank that are not convenient to transfer on progressive screw machines. Now we will sum up the following four advantages of the 2 die 4 blow screw making machine from the aspects of price, structure and use.

1. The 2 die 4 blow screw making machine can produce a wide range of products. Most types of products can be made: ordinary screws, internal angle screws, fully tubular long pull screws, external angle screws, hexagon screws with flange, multi-step screws, super large head short shank screw parts, semi tubular rivets, Non-standard fastener parts,special-shaped parts, among which there are many special-shaped high value-added products.

2. The price of 2 die 4 blow screw making machine is low. In the case of the same model, the price is only about half of the price of four-station machine screw making machine, five-station machine bolt making machine, six-station bolt making machineand progressive machine. At the same cost, the purchase of two die four blow screw making machine can more flexibly with production plans and small batch customer orders. The 4-station machine screw making machine, 5--station machine screw making machine, 6--station machine screw making machine, have high cost,need more skillful operator which are not suitable for all manufacturers.

3. The 2 die 4 blow screw making machine is especially good at producing non-standard shaped screw parts, especially for the products with large material deformation (large head), short shank, multiple steps on the shank, etc. The market demands for personalized customization of non-standard parts is increasing, and the market potential is enormous. Some products cannot be produced by 4-station machine screw making machine, 5--station machine screw making machine, 6--station machine screw making machine, and they need to be solved by the 2 die 4 blow screw making machine.

4. 2 die 4 blow screw making machine is cheap in tools cost. There are many screw making machines with four dies, five dies and six dies, and the die cost is high. If the manufacturer accepts small batch customized customer orders, the die cost will be higher than that of 2 die 4 blow screw making machine. The input-output ratio is too low, and small batch customer orders are easy to lose. 2 die 4 blow screw making machine has low tooling cost, so it is good for a small batch customer orders, so as to avoid losing small batch customer orders with numerous demands.

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