
China Fastener machine and tools supplier


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  • FMT 3 die 6 blow screw  nut  bolt rivet maker manufacturing making machine
    FMT 3 die 6 blow screw  nut  bolt rivet maker manufacturing making machine
    FMT 3 die 6 blow screw  nut  bolt rivet maker manufacturing making machine
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  • FMT 3 die 6 blow screw nut bolt rivet maker manufacturing making machine

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3 die 6 blow screw bolt nut rivet maker, screw nut bolt manufacturing machine,screw nut bolt rivet making machine

A three die six blow nut bolt making machine is a special type of screw machines used  for cold upsetting metal parts in the fastener industry. The name "3 dies, 6 blows" refers to the number of dies and punches involved in the upsetting process.The machine consists of its 3 dies with each die has a specific upsetting function.The number "6 blows" indicates that the metal goes through its six separate upsetting operations.This multi-step process improves the precision and control of the tools process, allowing  complex components to be manufactured to tight tolerances. 

3 die 6 blow screw nut bolt making machines are commonly used in the production of precision components and parts in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, and electronics. They are capable of upsetting a wide range of materials, such as steel, stainless steel with pre- heating, aluminum, and copper, into complex shapes and profiles.This 3 die 6 blow screw nut bolt rivet making machine is very good for big head screw, screw with shoulder, rivet,nut and bolt.

3 die 6 blow screw bolt nut rivet maker machine

  • This 3 die 6 blow screw bolt nut maker machine was designed for Non-standard part, big head , part with shoulder and rivet.

  • Heading / Forming station: 3 die 6 blow

  • More than 1000+ have been sold around the world and they all work well;

  • Wire diameter from Φ5-Φ20mm;

  • Steppless variable speed;

  • Independent PKO on each punch;

  • Options: inverter, load monitor, sound enclosure.

data sheet of 3 die 6 blow screw bolt nut rivet maker machine

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