
China Fastener machine and tools supplier


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  • FMT 4 die 8 blow Multi-Station & Progressive screw maker manufacturing making machine
    FMT 4 die 8 blow Multi-Station & Progressive screw maker manufacturing making machine
    FMT 4 die 8 blow Multi-Station & Progressive screw maker manufacturing making machine
    FMT 4 die 8 blow Multi-Station & Progressive screw maker manufacturing making machine
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  • FMT 4 die 8 blow Multi-Station & Progressive screw maker manufacturing making machine

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4 Die 8 Blow Multi-Station & Progressive screw bolt rivet maker, screw but bolt manufacturing machine,screw nut bolt rivet making machinefor special screw bolt solid, semi-tubular and fully tubular parts

4 die 8 blow screw nut bolt part maker  to manufacture  special components in regard of special shape feature and tolerance for special screw bolt solid, semi-tubular and fully tubular parts.

4 die 8 blow screw bolt maker

  • This 4 die 8 blow screw bolt part maker designed for for special screw bolt solid, semi-tubular and fully tubular parts

  • Heading / Forming station: 4 die 8 blow

  • Wire diameter from Φ5-Φ20mm;

  • Steppless variable speed;

  • Independent PKO on each punch;

  • Options: inverter, load monitor, sound enclosure.

data sheet of 4 die 8 blow screw bolt maker

How to buy a good FMT 4 die 8 blow screw nut bolt making machine?

Here is 6 Tips to buy a good 4 die 8 blow heading machine:

1. Reseach and collect suppliers:Investigate various suppliers and manufacturers who specialize in heading machines to begin your research and gather information. Find reputable businesses with a history of making high-quality machines.

2. Evaluate Specifications: Take a close look at the specifications of the machines offered by different manufacturers. Pay attention to factors such as capacity, speed, precision, and durability.

3. Seek Recommendations: Reach out to industry professionals or colleagues who have experience with heading machines. Ask for their recommendations and insights on the best brands or models to consider.

4. Compare Prices: Compare the prices of different machines to ensure you're getting a competitive deal. However, remember that quality should be your top priority. It's better to invest in a reliable machine that will last longer and provide better results.

5. Look for machines that have a warranty and good after-sales support. This guarantees that you will receive assistance if there are any problems or maintenance needs.

6. Buying from a Reliable Supplier: Make sure to choose the reliable manufacturer or supplier who can deliver the machine you need. Find suppliers who have a reputation for delivering high-quality goods and positive customer reviews.

Always seek the advice of professionals or industry experts who can offer you more tailored advice based on your needs. If there is anything else I can do for you, please let me know!

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