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  • FMT 4 die 8 blow cold header cold forming Multi-Station & Progressive cold heading machine
    FMT 4 die 8 blow cold header cold forming Multi-Station & Progressive cold heading machine
    FMT 4 die 8 blow cold header cold forming Multi-Station & Progressive cold heading machine
    FMT 4 die 8 blow cold header cold forming Multi-Station & Progressive cold heading machine
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  • FMT 4 die 8 blow cold header cold forming Multi-Station & Progressive cold heading machine

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4 Die 8 Blow cold header,cold forming machine,Multi-Station & Progressive cold heading machine and forging machine for special screw bolt solid, semi-tubular and fully tubular parts

FMT 4 die 8 blow cold heading machine is a type of machine used in cold heading, a process used to form various complex metal components. This machine is designed to perform multiple blows and shaping operations on a workpiece to achieve the desired shape.

The "4 die 8 blow" specification refers to the number of dies and blows the machine can perform. It means that the machine has four sets of dies and can deliver up to eight blows to shape the workpiece. Each blow corresponds to a specific operation, such as forming, trimming, or extrusion.

4 die 8 blow cold heading machines are commonly used in the production of fasteners, such as fully tubular parts,nuts,bolts, screws, and rivets, where precision and high production rates are required. The multiple dies and blows allow for complex shapes to be formed efficiently.

FMT 4 die 8 blow Progressive Header  to manufacture  special components in regard of special complex shape feature and tolerance.such as special screw,nut,bolt, semi-tubular and fully tubular parts.

4 die 8 blow cold forming machine

  • This 4 die 8 blow cold header  designed for for special screw bolt solid, semi-tubular and fully tubular parts

  • Heading / Forming station: 4 die 8 blow

  • Wire diameter from Φ5-Φ20mm;

  • Steppless variable speed;

  • Independent PKO on each punch;

  • Options: inverter, load monitor, sound enclosure.

data sheet of 4 die 8 blow cold forming machine

Here is some general steps for how to use a FMT 4 die 8 blow cold forming machine:

To operate a 4 die 8 blow cold heading machine, the general steps include:

Setup: Prepare the machine by selecting the appropriate dies and adjusting the machine settings for the desired specifications.

Wire feeding: Place the raw material, usually a metal wire or rod, into the feeding mechanism of the machine.

Cold Heading Process: The machine will sequentially perform a series of blows on the material using the selected dies. Each blow contributes to the shaping and forming of the workpiece, gradually transforming it into the desired shape.

Trimming and Extrusion: Additional blows may be used for trimming excess material and creating various features, such as threads or undercuts.

Ejecting the Finished parts: Once the cold heading process is complete, the machine will eject the finished components from the dies, typically onto a conveyor or collection bin.

It's important to note that the specific operational details may vary depending on the machine manufacturer and model. It is advisable to consult the machine's user manual and follow the manufacturer's instructions for safe and efficient operation.

If you require more specific information about operating a FMT 4 die 8 blow cold heading machine, it would be best to consult the machine's manual or seek guidance from a qualified technician familiar with the specific machine you are using.

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